Sunday, 5 January 2025

Vitamin C IV Intravenous high dose


VITA C IV - 100 ml vial with a concentration of 10,000 mg of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) + 4,500 mg of Sodium Bicarbonate
PharmaLife Lab Romania
Price: 58 Euro / vial + shipping
Minimum order 3 vials
Bucharest, Romania
tel: +40723141550

Vitamin C can be administered intravenously with the aim of achieving high dosages and 100% absorption.

Vitamin C infusion therapy is a personalized treatment and the concentration can vary from 10 grams to 100 gr.

Benefits of intravenous vitamin C
Vitamin C has many benefits and is known for its ability to act as an antioxidant agent, thus able to remove free radicals responsible for cellular aging. The use of vitamin C has also been adopted in the oncology field, finding among its most significant supporters the Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling and his colleague Ewan Cameron.

The main benefits of high-dose vitamin C drips are:

Optimizes the body's healing processes
Increases energy levels and reduces tiredness
Promotes the activity of the immune system in resistance against infections
Improves the quality of life in cancer patients

Vitamin C and tumors
Cancer patients commonly experience symptoms related to the progression of the disease and the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which have a profound impact on the patient's quality of life. Fatigue is the most common and debilitating symptom reported by cancer patients, much more than pain.

Several recent studies have shown that intravenous vitamin C in cancer patients can relieve fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea and pain, as well as improving cognitive, emotional and social aspects.

Further clinical trials have shown that high-dose vitamin C is safe and well tolerated in cancer patients both as a stand-alone therapy and in combination with chemotherapy drugs.

Buy Original GEROVITAL H3 / GH3 Injections Vials Dr Ana Aslan

Special Price for Original GEROVITAL H3 Ampoules Injections
Dr Ana Aslan from Romania
Price: 60 Euro box of 5 authentic vials!
Minimum order 5 boxes.
International Priority Shipping
 from Bucharest Romania - 35 Euro

We are sending our original romanian GEROVITAL H3 (GH3)
 to United States of America (U.S.A) with USPS - Tracking code included

We recommend using only our autherized syringes with needles.
Syringe + needle 5ml sterile set for one time use - 2 US$

Authorized Romanian Supplier:
VAT: RO40837257 - Bucharest, ROMANIA
Contact: +40723141550 (whatsapp/viber/telegram)


What is Gerovital?
A rejuvenating substance used for treatment and as aging prophylaxis!
Gerovital is injected in the buttocks. One ampoule contains procaine (a local anesthetic drug), vitamins and herbal extracts. It has positive effects on many functional disorders connected with aging, such as reduced physical and mental performance, weak concentration and memory, impaired reflex-dependent activities, ability to respond, and hearing, or circulatory system disorders.
Gerovital reduces the signs of much problems and issues attributable to aging and shortens the convalescence time after surgeries and more serious diseases. Before application, an allergy skin test must be performed on the forearm. Only 1 ampoule of Gerovital is applied 3 days per week. The total treatment contains 12 applications per month.
Minimum treatment 3 months continous.

Who is Dr. Ana Aslan?
Prof. Dr. Ana Aslan, Director General of the National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics in Bucharest, was a prominent researcher in the field of cytology. She dedicated he life to the study and examination of causes of cellular disintegration, which leads to aging. Following extensive experiments and research into the deceleration of aging, Prof. Dr. Ana Aslan and her research team got encouraging results. They formulated an original therapy to regenerate and stimulate the life functions of the human body. Worldwide, the therapy became known as Therapy Ana Aslan. Professor Aslan enjoyed global popularity and her work was much appreciated.

Famous people who received the Gerovital treatment!
Many great names contacted Prof. Dr. Aslan to undergo the Gerovital treatment which invigorates vitality and sound health: French President Charles De Gaulle, American President John F. Kennedy, West Germany’s Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, Chinese revolutionary Mao Zedong who was commonly known as Chairman Mao, Vietnamese communist leader Ho Chi Minh; actresses Marlene Dietrich, Lillian Gish, Sophia Loren, Greta Garbo and her sisters; actors Charlie Chaplin, Omar Sharif or Kirk Douglas, and painter Salvador DalĂ­.

Tuesday, 2 April 2024

The Original Romanian GEROVITAL H3 Injectable Ampoules by Dr Ana Aslan - ZENTIVA Laboratories


Authorized Romanian Supplier:

VAT: RO40837257 - Bucharest, ROMANIA
Contact: +40723141550 (whatsapp/viber/telegram)
Price: 60 Euro/box 5 ampoules x 5ml Procaine

The Original Gerovital H3 is an incredible anti-ageing product which has been used successfully for decades. Invented by a team of researchers led by Prof Dr Ana Aslan, Gerovital H3 slows down the ageing process, increases mental and physical capacity, improves memory, improves skin and hair, helps regain hair colour, improves muscle capacity and joint mobility, stabilises blood pressure and reduces depression and anxiety.

Gerovital H3  Injectable Solution
Only the genuine Romanian GerovitalH3 Injections are made with respect for the original formula by professor doctor Ana Aslan!

The original Gerovital H3 Injections formula by the Professor Doctor Ana Aslan is perfect and therefore it remained unaltered for the last 60 years due to its effectiveness.

The secret of its efficiency it is the balanced quantity of Procaine Hydrochloride contained in each and every Gerovital H3 injections vial as originally recommended by Ana Aslan plus the special stabilizing enhancers.

Therapeutic indications:

-  Protection of the organism against aging phenomena.

-  Depressive syndrome (light and moderate depression), in precocious stages, especially

- when conventional therapy is not well-tolerated or it has contraindications.

-  Parkinsonian syndromes where it can be used in monotherapy or associated with other antiparkinsonian drugs, especially with dopaminergic agents.

-  Osteoarthritis (chronic degenerative rheumatism) Systemic arteriosclerosis with hypercholesterolemia, ischaemic heart disease, arthritis, cerebral atherosclerosis.

·         Directions

Directions: 1 intramuscular injection, 3 times a week (one ampoule every other day), over a period of 8 - 12 weeks (12 ampoules / month).

·         Ingredients

Ingredients: One ampoule contains:
Procaine hydrochloride 100 mg
Benzoic acid 6 mg
Disodium phosphate dodecahydrate.0.5 mg
Potassium metabisulfite 5 mg
Distilled water for injectable solutions up to 5 ml